Tom Byrne is the President of Byrne Investment Research (BIR), which provides fundamental, bottom-up equity research on micro-cap and small-cap companies. BIR looks for monopolistic companies using quantitative and qualitative analysis across every industry, but the emphasis is on technology, engineering, healthcare, and medical devices. Prior to starting his own firm in 1998, Mr. Byrne spent five years as Director of Research for Individual Investor Group, publisher of Individual Investor magazine, Ticker magazine, the SSR newsletter and the Individual Investor website. In 1997, Mr. Byrne created the America’s Fastest Growing Companies Index, the first index to track small-cap growth companies. Prior to joining Individual Investor Group, Mr. Byrne was invited to become the first small-cap equity analyst at Standard & Poor’s, from 1989 to 1993. Mr. Byrne helped create the S&P SmallCap 600 Index and the S&P 500 Spyder (SPY), the first public exchange traded fund (ETF). Mr. Byrne was also the first analyst to publish small cap research in the S&P Outlook, the company’s flagship publication. He has an MBA in Finance from Fordham University.