Contra the Heard is an information service for independent investors. The goal at Contra is to profitably invest while sharing with subscribers the whys and wherefores of the investment choices that they make. Fortunately, these selections have worked exceedingly well; Contra’s 15-year annualized return of 16.6% is amongst the best when compared to all other North American letters and mutual funds. The contrarian philosophy that guides Contra advocates an independent approach to investing, one that requires investors to assess their own investing needs and abilities, and which demands a commitment to understanding the securities they select for their portfolios. The investment letter is published quarterly via postal mail and in a normal year, 25-40 email updates are sent. The vast majority of these are when they buy or sell a position. The Contra philosophies include a concentration on turnaround situations and stocks which are currently unpopular but are likely to regain their luster, a focus on stocks that have the ability to increase in value by a minimum of 100%, and careful analysis of corporations’ financial statements concentrating on debt ratios and book values. Contra normally sells a minimum of 50% of a stock upon achievement of their target, while “market timing” the remainder. The Contra the Heard investment letter only recommends stock that they actually buy. Readership is limited to 1,000 subscribers.