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Quant Trader
Expert-Level Options for Sophisticated Traders
The goal is simple this week. We have two open bear call spread positions at the moment which means our portfolio currently leans to the short side of things. This week, if the market cooperates, I plan to add some long exposure through a debit spread, or a bull put spread, to even out our deltas so our portfolio takes a more neutral stance. There is no doubt that the air is getting thin at these levels. But, as we have seen recently, just when you think the market might take a turn, the bulls make an appearance.
Cabot Options Institute Quant Trader is focused exclusively on creating consistent returns using high-probability options strategies including bear call spreads, bull put spreads, iron condors and more. Whether you have questions about the strategies, or even about setting up your account, or how to make your own trades, Andy will answer all of your questions
Today we are going to close our two Bear Call Spreads (QQQ and SPY) in the Quant Trader portfolio. Here are the details: